
Unitedcrowd Project - Unique Platform, Quality Product, Real And Transparent

Cryptocurrency has become one of the favorite investment instruments around the world today. Not only that, cryptocurrencies are also rapidly becoming an alternative transaction tool. The development of the cryptocurrency market has brought many changes in the financial industry, for example, nowadays people can trade with blockchain-based trading systems. This trading platform allows for safer, faster, and lower-cost transactions, and many others.  A factor that plays an important role in the development of any platform is online transactions that are safe, reliable, easily accessible, and also transparent. The extra costs are affecting all industrial economies but now all this is possible because of blockchain solutions. 

Unitedcrowd project presence can give you a huge advantage in the crypto market, with a promising concept, quality products and an experienced team needed in the role of developing blockchain projects,The Unitedcrowd platform provides a full-service partner for digital corporate funds. UnitedCrowd provides you with a digital financing tool tailored to your needs. Our online platform enables you to acquire investors worldwide, attract customers and expand your community. We lead your company into the digital future – legally secure, individual and affecting the public.

What is UnitedCrowd ?

UnitedCrowd is an official platform, unique, Promising, Transparent and also has a quality product. this company is registered in Germany, UnitedCrowd platform has maximum security when making transactions. so you don’t have to worry about your assets when making transactions on the UnitedCrowd platform. On the UnitedCrowd platform, you can also oversee the fundraising process for your project around the clock.

A very comfortable and intuitive software application interface will be able to support inexperienced users. The design will not get you into trouble as it is very accessible. and also Individual layout means that you will be helped to develop an interface layout according to your parameters and needs. UnitedCrowd already operates on the blockchain network and therefore fundamentally protects your data. All material related to your project will be available for potential investors to view via the platform.

Why is UnitedCrowd interesting?

  • Platfrom Financing: We offer our clients and their monetary experts a uniquely designed theoretical backend.
  • Legal framework: We work under German law to offer you and your monetary experts the best security.
  • Partner association: Get induction into our association from outside theorists and trained professionals.
  • The investor community: Get progress and responsibility from the UnitedCrowd community.

Get progress and responsibility from the UnitedCrowd community.

Funding through tokenization, UnitedCrowd issues modern financial issues, for example company cash. Our tokenization rates cater to a mix of existing money-related things, for example, securities, adventures, etc., as well as real assets and new financing models.

Benefits of the Unitedcrowd project?

UnitedCrowd offers programmable tokens. A high level depiction of the characteristics created for our clients will have the option of being equipped with various limitations of the robot which lately have to be done right. For example, values ​​starting with one component can usually move to the following if certain conditions are met without requiring any work.

Tokens can be passed on to the blockchain without a middle model and for all intents and purposes dynamically. Buyers and sellers can quickly and clearly trade together without delegation, for example, middlemen, distributors, general bookkeepers, etc. Both players save time, but also cost for individual centers. In addition, associations secure important opportunities because they can clearly organize their offerings to target markets.

Tools / Features UnitedCrowd
  • Asset Token: Liquid also as illiquid values are often mapped as Asset Tokens. The spectrum includes everything from cash, land, precious metals, or art objects to intangible assets like patents or copyrights.
  • Debt Token: Debt Token represents debt claims on repayment of the invested amount with or without interest. The range includes sorts of bonds, loans, and bonds.
  • Equity Token: Shareholdings and voting rights are often represented by Equity Tokens. Using an equivalent principle, tokens also can represent shares in funds, for instance.
  • Utility Token: Utility Token represents usage rights and may grant access to a network, goods, or services.
In Conclusion

The team is planning for this project for a long time and they are well prepared for the circumstances also they have well big names on board for investments, UnitedCrowd Project is perfect for you and for the big investors out there too. The UnitedCrowd project is underway, besides it is registered in Germany, making all transactions as safe as possible. The UnitedCrowd development team consists only of highly qualified specialists and experts in their fields, all of whom are public, transparent and available on social networks to find out more information about the team’s background, developers in the UnitedCrowd project media social group. We are with the project at the beginning so we know the structure and we can spread the voice and invite people to join this amazing project.

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Mengapa Memilih NEXT Protocol ?

Perkembangan teknologi robotika telah membuat kualitas kehidupan manusia semakin tinggi. Dimana perkembangan teknologi robotika tersebut telah mampu meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas produksi berbagai pabrik, keamanan dan permainan. Dengan perkembangan robot yang pesat di dunia, dapat dijadikan alternatif lain untuk menggantikan manusia yang memiliki keterbatasan, misalnya untuk pekerjaan yang memerlukan ketelitian tinggi pada bidang perindustrian, melakukan pekerjaan dengan bahaya yang tinggi atau melakukan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan tenaga besar dan sebagainya. Teknologi robotika juga telah menjangkau sisi hiburan dan pendidikan bagi manusia. Teknologi sistem kendali dengan piranti mikrokontroler telah berkembang menjadi salah satu sistem kendali cerdas yang dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi dalam bidang robotika.

Berbicara tentang robot, NEXT Protocol - membangun, membuat, dan berkolaborasi dengan robot generasi berikutnya dan aplikasinya yang terkait dengan kasus penggunaan penyelesaian masalah di kehidupan nyata seperti skenario Covid, Robot Gaming, dan Robot NFT.

NEXT Protocol 

NEXT Protocol menyediakan penerbitan Layanan Robot tanpa batas menggunakan Robot kami (NEXTiBOTs) dan Robot OEM lainnya. Ini memungkinkan organisasi untuk membuat Aplikasi Robot Terdesentralisasi yang dapat berjalan dengan token mereka sendiri (penerapan dan Token Robo ERC20 Khusus Bisnis Mint) untuk memasarkan Layanan Robot tersebut di pasar konsumen yang disponsori NEXT.

Pendapatan robot dapat diberikan kepada pemegang saham yang ada yang akan terlibat dalam Token Robot mereka dan mendapatkan pendapatan sewa melalui protokol DeFi bawaan.

NEXT PROTOCOL EcoSystem memberdayakan NEXTiBOT mereka.

Tujuan mereka membuat robot ini adalah untuk membangun lingkungan yang akan mendukung semua pemangku kepentingan.

  • Komunitas Pengembang: Bangun sekelompok pengembang untuk memperkenalkan inovasi ke pasar dengan cepat. Mendaftar ke akun NEXTiBOT untuk bekerja bersama pengguna lain di jaringan.
  • Mitra Pengembangan dan SI: Bekerja sama dengan pusat produksi lain dan kurangi durasi penyesuaian dan penambahan spesifikasi baru.
  • Pemangku kepentingan industri robot: Bergabunglah dengan Konsorsium Robo, organisasi CSR, dan Komunitas Responsif Fisik untuk menciptakan alternatif robotik untuk tujuan sosial.
  • Reseller: Mendaftarlah dengan reseller di seluruh dunia. Mereka juga akan diperlengkapi untuk membantu robotika dan memberikan layanan perbaikan, jika sesuai.


NEXT Token memang memberi pemegang token cara yang lugas, cerdas, dan ramah pengguna untuk bergerak sedikit lebih awal ke dalam sistem ekonomi Robo yang sedang berkembang. Dengan membeli token, Anda mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menggunakannya ketika organisasi dan industri mengembangkan dan menggunakan Robot untuk keperluan konsumen dan bisnis, memanfaatkan kebutuhan bisnis Covid saat ini dan token Ethereum yang tidak sah dan tidak dibatasi.

Berinvestasi dengan NEXT Token juga berarti menurunkan kepemilikan aset pemeliharaan, akses ke arus kas terkait robot (misalnya sewa) & pertukaran kepemilikan tanpa gesekan karena perusahaan yang membangun robot ini mendedikasikan untuk memberikan 50 persen pendapatan sewa robot ke ekosistem NEXT yang ada pemegang saham untuk tahun pertama. Dan yang paling penting dari semuanya, sebagai token ERC-20, Anda dapat memberikan token Anda kapan pun Anda mau.

Fitur Next Robo Token

  • Token Unik: Kepemilikan Perwakilan dari setiap Robot yang dikembangkan pada Protokol NEXT tersebar di sejumlah token NEXT. Berdasarkan token yang bersangkutan, pemilik akan memperoleh royalti dari sewa robot ini dan memberikan suara pada fungsi Robot dan keputusan implementasi.
  • Staking diaktifkan Pembayaran Sewa: Membeli robot dengan Token NEXT Perwakilan membantu Anda untuk menerima sewa triwulanan / bulanan yang dikirim dalam mata uang kripto ke akun KYC Anda yang diperiksa. Sewa dibebankan dengan stablecoin Dolar AS, yang dikirim langsung ke dompet Ethereum yang menyimpan token NEXT.
  • Aset Dikelola Secara Profesional: Setiap robot yang dirancang di NEXT Protocol memiliki perusahaan manajemen kekayaan yang menangani pendapatannya atas nama pemegang token. Perusahaan manajemen aset ini membuat program, menyewa robot, menerima sewa, dan melakukan pemeliharaan, sehingga komunitas pemilik NEXT Token yang beragam mungkin tidak harus menghadapi masalah apa pun.
  • Token diaktifkan dengan Edge Computing: Melalui Daftar Robot Blockchain, mereka tahu kapan robot tersebut telah digunakan. Ketika prosesor robot Hexa Core tidak aktif, mereka sering digunakan sebagai node dilema komputasi tepi untuk menerima hadiah yang ditransfer kembali ke pemegang saham yang ada.

Tokenomics Bisnis

NEXT Token membantu pengembang untuk membuat Aplikasi Robot dengan token yang dipersonalisasi dan menginstalnya di pasar agar perusahaan dan organisasi dapat membeli dan menggunakannya.

Perusahaan dapat mengaktifkan dan menerapkan Robot yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya, mis. NEXTiBOT yang memiliki Greet-iBot, Safe-iBot, dll. Mereka mungkin juga memberikan usaha bagi pengembang untuk membuat robot baru.

Gamer akan membuat game Robot di ROS, dijalankan dan dimainkan di prosesor Hexa Core. Robot dapat diizinkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah komputasi tepi di dompet robot bawaan.

Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah peluang bagi mereka yang tertarik dengan industri robot di seluruh dunia. Business Tokenomics
NEXT Token membantu pengembang untuk membuat Aplikasi Robot dengan token yang dipersonalisasi dan menginstalnya di pasar agar perusahaan dan organisasi dapat membeli dan menggunakannya.

Perusahaan dapat mengaktifkan dan menerapkan Robot yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya, mis. NEXTiBOT yang memiliki Greet-iBot, Safe-iBot, dll. Mereka mungkin juga memberikan usaha bagi pengembang untuk membuat robot baru.

Gamer akan membuat game Robot di ROS, dijalankan dan dimainkan di prosesor Hexa Core. Robot dapat diizinkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah komputasi tepi di dompet robot bawaan.

Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah peluang besar bagi mereka yang tertarik dengan industri robot di seluruh dunia.

Informasi lebih lanjut dan gabung sekarang di:

CLEVER (CLVA) is a Decentralized Finance Protocol and Unique Platform offering Guaranteed Interest


Decentralized finance  often called DeFi  refers to the shift from traditional, centralized financial systems to peer-to-peer finance enabled by decentralized technologies built on the Ethereum blockchain. From lending and borrowing platforms to stablecoins and tokenized BTC, the DeFi ecosystem has launched an expansive network of integrated protocols and financial instruments.

The DeFi protocol is widely used these days. This protocol have succeeded in attracting many crypto investors and enthusiasts to be able to invest and participate in their platforms, such as swapping, staking, etc. This is something crypto enthusiasts have been waiting for, an opportunity where they can maximize their profit on the crypto market easily and safe

Speaking about decentralized finance, CLEVER (CLVA) is a protocol that automatically distributes interest payments to all token holders of CLVA on a pre-programmed routine cycle schedule over 888 fortnightly cycles taking 34.15 years to complete.


CLEVER is a decentralized platform that aims to create an innovative ecosystem that offers unique income opportunities for everyone. CLEVER leverages blockchain technology to develop a system that achieves an automatic interest cycle for investors. It guarantees up to 11% of the compound interest paid fortnightly to all CLVA token holders with automatic payments. You can think of CLEVER as a digital smart way to save your profits. This provides significantly more interest than some overvalued banking systems.

What makes CLEVER DeFi unique is that it is truly decentralized and begins with zero initial supply, unlike other protocols that pre-mint tokens. Thus none of the development team owns any tokens and all tokens will be minted during the mint phase and accounted for on the blockchain.

This is important as it ensures minimal risk when investing or holding CLVA tokens since the team owns no initial supply and won’t be able to dump tokens in the market-leading to a price decrease. The CLEVER DEFI team only receives a fraction of tokens for each cycle (0.1%) for the development of the project.

How Does CLEVER Work?

Clever ensures thаt аll participants аrе rewarded fоr thеіr participation. Clever designs аn automated payment system thаt requires nо user intervention оr аnуthіng else, аnd ensures thаt еvеrуthіng іѕ dоnе on-chain. Evеrуthіng іѕ handled automatically bу thе system.

Eасh wallet іѕ compounded аnd paid uр tо 11% еvеrу twо weeks. Thіѕ means thаt уоu don't hаvе tо worry аbоut stakes bесаuѕе іt guarantees Clever thаt еасh token holder wіll receive а stake based оn thеіr participation. Evеn wіth thе nеw 14-day cycle, thе system triggers а decentralized distribution mechanism thаt prints thе CLVA аnd delivers іt tо thе beneficiaries, increasing thе individual CLVA vаluе аnd CLVA market cap.

Users don't hаvе tо worry аbоut Clever's security аnd transparency. Thіѕ іѕ bесаuѕе Clever guarantees thаt Clever іѕ а secure аnd secure DeFi protocol wіth аn automatic cycle schedule hard-coded іntо thе smart contract itself. And іt іѕ fully validated аnd audited bу BlockHunters tо ensure Clever's DeFi protocol іѕ completely secure аnd tamper-free.

Project Advantages

Automatic Payments : Everything Happens On-Chain with No Requirement for User Intervention Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.

  • Every Wallet Earns : Up to 11% Paid Fortnightly Guaranteed with Compound Interest to CLVA Token Holders
  • 888 Fortnightly Cycles : Every 14 Days Like Regular Clockwork Distribution of Newly Minted CLVA is Awarded
  • Safe & Secure : CLEVER is a DEFI protocol with an Automatic Cycle Schedule hard coded into the Smart Contract itself Security and transparency are features that are present in the entire ecosystem of Anonyme Platform so that is a great thing and you can have peace of mind when doing operations in the platform.
  • Verified & Audited : Smart Contract Fully Verified And CLEVER Protocol Audited by BlockHunters
  • ZERO Initial Supply : Every CLVA requires minting by a user and as such the CLEVER DEFI Team owns no supply since most of the early was provided by early provider investors, and the team and the OpCo operating company, it was decided altruistically to put the supply back into the AMM ecosystem so that everyone can earn.

CLVA Token Information:

  • Token Name: CLEVER
  • Ticker: CLVA
  • Initial Supply: 0
  • Maximum Supply: 1 Trillion

More information and join now at:

BTT Username: diopornogo
Telegram: @reogcrypto
ETH Address : 0x8166206CBe9f11b5b059812Fd88C57f7F1f6622d

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